IR Chrome



# Aerochrome

Infrared photography is a unique and intriguing technique that allows photographers to capture a different perspective of the world. Unlike traditional photography that is based on visible light, infrared photography captures wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum. This results in dreamlike images where colors and textures are transformed into something otherworldly.

Infrared images often appear as if they are taken during twilight or just before dawn. The sky becomes a deep blue-purple hue while foliage and other organic materials take on a ghostly white appearance. This effect can vary depending on the type of infrared filter used, and the time of day and the weather conditions when the photo was taken. One of the major benefits of infrared photography is its ability to reveal details that are invisible to the naked eye. When shooting in infrared, the camera can pick up on heat sources and show them as bright spots, even if they are hidden behind other objects.

Another advantage of infrared photography is the creative opportunities it presents. Photographers can experiment with composition, textures, and contrast like never before. It is a technique that encourages imagination and can lead to some truly awe-inspiring images.

Overall, infrared photography is a fascinating and experimental technique that offers a unique perspective on the world. Whether you're interested in capturing portraits or landscapes.